EU Projects


Automated support removal



Automated support removal

Today we present new before-and-after of part postprocessed with safeEtch – automated support removal. Our technology provides lower distortion compared to supportless build and ensures that every build will be successful. Tradeoff between delamination and hours of manual grinding is no more. The turbine model was created by our colleague – David Schäfer running website.

What's more
In-situ alloy homogenization from raw elements | Application note
AMAZEMET partners faced challenges in the Sunflower project under the Clean Energy Transition Partnership – CETP call. The project aims to develop novel solar energy receivers for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants that could be both more efficient (from ~20% to ~40%) and manufactured more sustainably. The project investigates 2 paths to reach its goals regarding Energy absorbed - SiC, a ceramic material, and FeCrAlY heat-resisting group of alloys as candidates to fulfill the project's goals.
In-situ alloy homogenization from raw elements | Application note
AMAZEMET partners faced challenges in the Sunflower project under the Clean Energy Transition Partnership – CETP call. The project aims to develop novel solar energy receivers for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants that could be both more efficient (from ~20% to ~40%) and manufactured more sustainably. The project investigates 2 paths to reach its goals regarding Energy absorbed - SiC, a ceramic material, and FeCrAlY heat-resisting group of alloys as candidates to fulfill the project's goals.

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