EU Projects


Custom master alloy preparation | Case study


Custom master alloy preparation

Induction melting process of rePOWDER ultrasonic atomizer can reach temperature up to 1300 °C. To modify low melting point alloys with some of the elements such temperature might be to low or could cause excessive evaporation of material due to it extended overheating. This is another case which was solved by arcMELTER. Our approach was to modify small part of magnesium alloy with high purity silver pellet used typically is casting process for jewelery. This allowed us to prepare a custom master alloy which contained 25 % of silver which could be easily homogenized in the induction melting process in acceptable process temperature. Such approach allows for greater control over the alloying process, enabling researchers to tailor the properties of the alloy for specific applications without the need or ordering large quantities of master alloys for trials but to use pure elements and anything available at their laboratory. Whether for improving the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, or thermal conductivity, the custom master alloy formed in arcMELTER opens up new possibilities for metals that benefit from precision alloying with critical elements for which master alloys might not be easily available.

Picture of <b>JAKUB CIFTCI</b>



I am an application engineer focused on laser powder bed fusion development with alloys obtained via ultrasonic atomization. My role is to use knowledge gained from my PhD studies at Warsaw University of Technology to help other researchers in their projects with AMAZEMET solutions. Always ready for new challenges for concerning hard-to-print high temperature alloys and their atomization via rePOWDER.

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In-situ alloy homogenization from raw elements | Application note
AMAZEMET partners faced challenges in the Sunflower project under the Clean Energy Transition Partnership – CETP call. The project aims to develop novel solar energy receivers for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants that could be both more efficient (from ~20% to ~40%) and manufactured more sustainably. The project investigates 2 paths to reach its goals regarding Energy absorbed - SiC, a ceramic material, and FeCrAlY heat-resisting group of alloys as candidates to fulfill the project's goals.

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